car transport

How to Prepare Your Vehicle for Car Transport

Moving, no matter the distance, is one of the biggest causes of stress.

Add a car transport to the move and that stress can skyrocket. After all, your car is probably one of the most expensive items you own.

But there’s hope.

If you prepare your automobile right, the transport should be a successful and safe one. Read on to learn how to get your car ready for the move.

Document Your Car

You’re going to want to make sure you document your car fully. If anything happens to it during the transport you’ll have the evidence to prove it.

The first thing you’ll want to do is get the exterior of the car thoroughly washed. This will make it easy for the transporter to document bumps or scratches for their own purposes.

After you wash your car, take good quality pictures from all angles of the vehicle. You can take the extra step of documenting the inside too.

Make sure the photos include the date and time when they were taken. This is so you won’t have to rely on your memory when inspecting your car upon arrival.

Remove Permits Or Toll Passes

Next, you’ll want to remove any permits or toll passes from your vehicle. These can be expensive and make your vehicle a target for theft.

Another reason for removing toll passes is because they can be charged on the trip over.

Get Insurance

Unfortunately, no matter how much you prepare, there’s a chance something can go wrong. It’s important to get insurance from the transporter of your vehicle.

Read over any documentation given to you before you sign it. Make sure contracts clearly state who is liable for damages. Even a slight amount of vague wording can make things difficult in the future.

If your vehicle isn’t prepared well it can damage the other vehicles near it. Review the transporters policies for damage on the trip by your vehicle.

The same goes for other vehicles causing damage to your own as well. Insurance will make getting your vehicle fixed much easier if such an issue arises.

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Compare Car Transport Companies

You’ll have many options for transport companies so take your time to decide which one is best for you. If your car is valuable, consider getting a closed transport for your move.

These protect your vehicle from outside elements and are ideal for luxury cars. Freedom Auto Transport offers both options for a closed or open transport.

Unless you really don’t have the time to look for a company yourself avoid using a broker to set up your transport. They have a reputation for leaving clients out of the car transport details.

Compare the insurance among different transport companies. Insurance coverage may differ depending on which company handles the transport.

Make Any Repairs Necessary

Before you hand your car over to the transporter you’ll want to make sure it’s in perfect shape. This means taking care of any repairs even small ones at a credible auto shop.

You’ll want to make sure all the liquids in your car are filled up. Have your car checked for leaks as well. If a small amount of liquid drips on the car beneath yours you could be charged a fee.

Minor repairs are necessary as loose parts can fall off your car and get lost on the way. Those can also be in danger of hitting the other cars in the transporter as well.

Fill up your tires with the right amount of air as directed on the car. Low tire pressure can make loading and unloading your vehicle difficult.

When given to the transporter make sure your car has less than 1/4 tank of gas. If your car has more than that it can be dangerous during the transport.

Leave Instructions For Your Car

You should leave any instructions necessary to operate your automobile. Whether it be starting it or maneuvering it. Let the transporter know so there isn’t any confusion.

Some vehicles have special ways to unlock the car as well as keys that don’t operate the way other cars do. Highlight these details in the instructions you provide as well.

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You will also be giving the transporter the key to your car as well so they can drive it on and off the transport. Make sure you have an extra set of keys in case the first pair gets lost.

Prepare The Outside Of Your Car

We’ve noticed a lot of people like to add certain accessories to their cars. From reindeer antlers to eyelashes we’ve seen it all. You might want to remove these during your car transport as they can cause damage or get lost along the way.

Check if your car antenna is removable and if so take that off and store it as well. Flip your side mirrors in too. If your car is a convertible take the necessary steps to ensure the top is secure.

If possible turn the car alarm off so it doesn’t go off on the drive and cause a distraction. If that’s not possible inform the transporter how to turn off the alarm if it goes off.

Finally, request that your car is locked before loaded onto the transport.

Clean The Inside Of Your Car

You’ll want to clean the inside of your car completely before it is off on the car transport. You don’t want to leave any valuables behind for theft reasons. But doing so could also violate the transporter’s policies.

Transporters may refuse to take your car if you have things inside of it. And the total weight of the car can also determine the price of the transport.

Check Out Our Blog

Leaving your car to a stranger to transport can be nerve-racking no matter how far the distance will be. But if you take the right steps your car will be safer no doubt.

And if you have any other questions about keeping your automobile in top shape we can help! Take a look at our blog for more advice.