man doing auto repair

DIY Automotive Body Repair: 10 Car Fixes You Can Do Yourself

Maintaining your car doesn’t have to be a costly venture. Taking your vehicle to a repair shop can cause financial hardship for the simplest of repairs. Basic DIY automotive body repair can save you a lot of money.

Car repair shops charge diagnostic fees to determine the problem. You could end up paying a hundred dollars even if you choose not to get the repair done. Forget shopping around for the best price since every repair shop will want to charge this fee.

In addition to dealing with cost, there is the time spent waiting on the repair to be completed. Chances are you won’t be able to get the job done right then. Now you have to spend hours waiting or will need transportation to work.

People are often surprised by how easy it is to do minor car repairs. Continue reading for ten car fixes you can do yourself.

DIY Automotive Body Repair for Beginners

Don’t be afraid of your car. There are minor repairs you can teach yourself simply by doing a Google search or viewing a YouTube video. Before paying someone to change a bulb or cap off fluids, try doing it on your own.

Check for books on how to maintain your vehicle. Repairs can be done in your driveway using common household tools.

1. Replace Windshield Wiper Blades

It’s scary to be out and about and suddenly rain comes plummeting from the skies. Even scarier is having worn wiper blades that can’t keep up with the onslaught of rain.

Changing your wiper blades is preventive maintenance. It takes about two minutes to replace them. Always keep an extra set in the trunk just in case an emergency arises and you haven’t had a chance to switch them out.

2. Oil Changes

We’ve all heard that the oil in our vehicles must be changed every 90 days or 3,000 miles. Depending on how much you drive oil changes are needed more frequently. Going to oil change businesses is convenient but over time those lube jobs add-up.

Related Reading:  Verifying needed auto repair

Changing your own oil is easier than you think and can be done in 30 minutes. Make sure you have the necessary tools.

It is important to research the disposal laws for your community beforehand.

3. Filter Replacement

Your motor vehicle has several filters. The filters are needed to prevent dust, dirt, and debris from entering vital components of your car and causing damage. There are air, fuel, oil, and cabin filters.

To learn where each filter is located and its direct purpose, the information is found in car manuals provided with the vehicle. These manuals, are car-make and model specific.

4. Capping off Fluids

There are six fluids essential to your car’s performance.

  • Brake Fluid
  • Coolant
  • Engine Oil
  • Power Steering Fluid
  • Transmission Fluid
  • Windshield Wiper Fluid

Aside from your engine oil, most of these fluids do not have to be replaced on a regular basis. Checking their levels is important. Maintaining the levels will keep your car running smoothly.

If you find fluid is running low consistently you may have a leak. Attend to this immediately.

5. Replace Brake Pads

The easiest cars to work on are the ones that you familiarize yourself with. Replacing brake pads is a good example. No matter how difficult you believe the task may be, it isn’t a difficult process.

It will take some time, and you can expect to get dirty. Because it requires lifting the car, you will want to have someone with you.

6. Rotating Tires

Regular tire rotation is another preventive maintenance hack. It will extend the life of your tires, and save money over time. Like brake pad replacement, you will need to lift the car so have someone present just in case there is an issue.

Tires should be rotated in six-month intervals or every 7,500 miles. Check your tires for low air-pressure and visible conditions that exceed normal thinning of the threads of the tires.

You will also want to be mindful of nail punctures and other signs of damage.

Related Reading:  Recommended Maintenance

7. Changing Worn or Flat Tires

Whether you experience a blow-out or run-over a sharp object, knowing how to change a tire is a must. Having an emergency repair service is great but there may come a time when they can’t get to you quickly.

It’s times like these when learning how to fix cars come in handy.

Before you experience an emergency it is good preventive maintenance to check the condition of your spare tire. This is especially true when preparing for a long trip. In addition to the tire, also make sure you have the car jack and a tool to remove the lug nuts.

8. Replace Blown Light Bulbs

Anyone who’s had a blown headlight in a newer vehicle has probably researched do it yourself auto body repair. The cost of replacing these bulbs can be quite costly. The reason being the location of the bulb socket.

Changing other bulbs like the tail light, brake light, or overhead light is less complicated and can be done in a matter of minutes.

9. Install a New Battery

Of all DIY automotive body repairs, installing a new battery is quite easy. The most important part is knowing the difference between positive and negative posts.

Batteries cannot be disposed of in your regular trash can. You will need to locate a battery drop-off location.

10. Change Out Fuses

Cars today have computer systems. Like most electronic systems they have fuses. Fuses are pretty generic for cars but check your owner’s manual first.

Once you locate the use box simply pop out the blown fuse and insert a new one.

Are You Ready to Start Saving on Car Repairs?

DIY automotive body repair is nothing to fear. Now that you have this list or repairs you can do yourself grab your owner’s manual and learn the ins and outs. You will be glad you saved time and money.

If you want information on car repairs and parts, check us out. We have the information you’re looking for.