Auto Repair Manual Questions


auto scan tool

Auto repair manual questions and answers. These next couple of posts will address some frequently asked questions about why I recommend using online car repair manuals. This next question is actually from a Diy car mechanic.

This driveway warrior and site visitor would like to know what brand I recommend and why. He also would like some information on auto scan tools. He asks what is a good choice for home car repairs. The actual conversation is posted below for you to review.

Auto repair manual questions

Question and Comment: I found your Great car site recently. I believe it was linked off somewhere else or found it off a search engine regarding OBD or auto repair information but can’t remember. I have read many of your pages and gave it a bookmark. You can be sure I will return to read the rest soon.

repair-diagram-websiteA car question for you; on one page you talk about and link to the Mitchell e Auto Repair online manuals, and on your Auto Repair Manuals page, you advocate All-Data repair diagrams website.

I have not used either one and my question is which do you like better from the aspect of a non professional but reasonably accomplished Diy car repair mechanic? I did auto mechanic work professionally till about 1981.

I then went to work for the Government in other non automotive specialty areas. I have not done major car repairs since, but have performed most of the minor repair work on my own vehicles when time permitted. I have not really kept up with the OBD II or electronic management systems which were just coming to fruition when I quit the automotive profession.

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I am also interested in your take on OBD Scan tools which have the “enhanced code” capabilities and whether they are at all necessary or really useful for todays DIY enthusiast. Thanks for the site and in advance for your time in responding to my thoughts. Keep up the good work!

Auto repair answers

auto-repair-manualsHello George: Thanks for the auto repair questions. When it comes to Mitchells and All-data online manuals both programs are well done and I use both. A good analogy would be some people like Ford trucks and some people like Chevrolet trucks. Both are good vehicles and will carry plywood to a job site!

Currently I use the All-Data auto repair information program at work and the Mitchells Eautorepair for home use. I would give the edge to All-Data because their search function returns more accurate results. This means you can spend less time digging for information and more time fixing cars!

As far as OBD II scanners I am currently recommending the Actron cp9180. It is great for diy car repair and inexpensive as well. Of course it is not as powerful as lets say an OTC genesis but it also doesn’t cost $3,500. The Actron 9180 gets me through most of my check engine light repairs at home for less than $140. It also reads enhanced diagnostic trouble codes and has a useful snap shot mode. To me this car scan tool is a good value. By the way online auto repair manuals and scan tools work well together to solve many car problems.

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