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How to Store a Car Long Term: A Complete Guide

Are you not regularly using your car? Want to stash it somewhere but not sure what your storage options are? We’re here to help!

In this article, we’re covering how to store a car long term. So you can rest easy knowing your car is stored in the safest and most efficient way possible.

How to Store a Car Long Term

Storing a car long term isn’t as simple as leaving it in a storage unit. There are other factors that you have to keep in mind to make sure your car will be ready to run the moment you need it. Here are the basic steps and tips you know to know in order to guarantee that.

Clean It First

Before you store your vehicle, you should clean your car. If you don’t, any existing water stains or bird droppings left on it could permanently damage the paint. While you’re doing that, you may as well also clean your wheels and undersides to remove any buildup of grease or tar and give your car a coat of wax for an additional layer of protection.

Fill Your Tank

Next, be sure to fill your gas up if you expect to be storing your car for more than 30 days. This is an important step that many people forget when storing their car long-term. If you fail to do this, moisture will accumulate inside of your fuel tank, which will cause your seals to dry out.

Beyond topping off your tank, you should also purchase a fuel stabilizer. A fuel stabilizer will protect your engine from rust and varnish and prevent ethanol buildup. It’ll also keep your gas from deteriorating.

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Make Sure Your Car Battery Stays Charged

If you leave your battery unattended, it’ll lose its charge and die. That’s why you should try to start your car every two weeks and take a quick drive.

There are multiple benefits to taking your car out for a test ride. For starters, it’ll help maintain your car’s battery charge and ensure the engine and car components are adequately lubricated. It can also help you make sure things like your air conditioner are in tip-top shape.

Keep Your Car Covered

If you need to store your car, the best place to leave it is in your garage. This will make sure it’s protected from the elements and left in a room with a stable temperature.

If you’re unable to do this and don’t have a garage, we recommend you store your car in a public storage facility. There are plenty of available storage facility options. You can also store your car outdoors if you need to as long as you have an all-weather car cover to protect it from the elements.

Stay Insured

While not entirely relevant to this storage, this is a piece of advice you should keep in mind if you choose to store your car. That’s because your insurance company will most likely raise your insurance rates due to your gap in coverage, which could cost you much more in the long run. So, before you cancel call your insurance provider and see what your options are.

Ready to Store Your Car?

If you no longer need to use your car, you should absolutely store it. And by following these tips on how to store a car long term, you can take all the steps you need to ensure your car remains in proper form as it’s stored.

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